Kurt Grandis

This blog is no longer active, but this post has been retained for reference due to its continued traffic

Recap of the Squirrel Hordes

Recap of the Squirrel Hordes

I gave my PyCon talk this weekend–“Militarizing Your Backyard With Python: Computer Vision and the Squirrel Hordes.” I was not prepared for the number of people who caught me after the talk and throughout the conference telling me about their own battles. Thanks again for all the recommendations about how to improve my firepower, tracking, and classification accuracy.


Horde Scout (source:wikipedia)

As requested I’ve posted the presentation on SlideShare and here’s the final squirrel encounter video and the actual PyCon Presentation.

One great resource that was really helpful for getting ideas about sentry guns is Project Sentry Gun. There is Wiring and Processing code to get you started as well as a premade Arduino shield if you’re interested. The folks at Servocity were also very helpful in sizing servos for my project.

As time permits, I’ll post some additional articles detailing the various steps of my project that folks seem to be interested in.

Thanks all. Good luck and don’t get captured.